Thurles Tidy Towns Welcomes 2023 Adjudicators Report

By Tommy Barrett on behalf of Thurles Tidy Towns

Thurles Tidy Towns was delighted to receive the National Adjudicators Report in recent days. Thurles received 320 marks, which is the highest mark we have received in this competition in recent years. The group worked hard over the last 12 months on various projects throughout the town. The committee plans to install two nature boards along the River Suir walk over the coming weeks. In April the Railway field was identified as a litter blackspot with over thirty bags of rubbish collected, this was completed with the help of students from CBS Thurles. As a result of this cleanup Supervalu Thurles has agreed to sponsor two street bins that will be installed along the railway bridge in a bid to tackle the litter problem at this location. Thurles Tidy Towns wish to acknowledge the support of Tom Barry and all the team at Supervalu Thurles for the continued support. Over the summer we ran the “Best Presented Estate/Street Competition “ along with the “ Best Presented Shopfront Competition “. These competitions were sponsored by Ryan’s Cleaning, Thurles, who have been the main sponsor of Thurles Tidy Towns over the last five years and have made so much of our work possible through the support they continue to give our committee.

Thurles Tidy Towns wish to acknowledge the support of Thurles Municipal District Council.

We have regular meetings with Thurles District Administrator Sharon Scully and have an open and effective line of communication with the office on a weekly basis through emails.  This is essential for our committee and we look forward to the installation of the nature boards along the River Suir walk which is a project we have worked on together with the local council. 

Thurles Tidy Towns welcomed the comments made by the adjudicator in this year’s report. We are making great progress each year.

A summary of the 2023 Tidy Towns report for Thurles is included below:

  “Thank you for participating In Ireland’s longest-running environmental project and helping to make Ireland a better place. We really appreciate all the great work that you do and the effort you put in, year on year. It’s good to read that you are well-supported by the local authority as well as by a large range of local businesses and NGOs. Surely the biggest bit of news for you is the redevelopment of Liberty Square. What a transformation! This makes your main area of public realm so much more pleasant! More good news in that you’ve been allocated funding to clean the 1798 statue. Your new Peregrine mural is just fantastic – loved it! It’s such a bold statement in a prominent area.

Congratulations to Ryan’s Daughter on their best shopfront award in 2022. We saw this premise on the way into town and it was indeed fabulous. While we’re on shopfronts, many thanks to all the businesses that do such a great job with theirs, including The Photo Station, Stakelum’s, McCabe’s Pharmacy, Grace’s, The Sue Ryder Foundation, Le Chateau,The Flaming Grill, Moran’s… and many others

Your adjudicator had forgotten how lovely your park is. It was really busy at the time of visiting with families, boys’ five aside, cyclists and skateboarders. The skatepark is super. The woodland walk around the edge was so enjoyable. The palisade fencing has been painted a shade of blue that actually works to make it look cheerful. Well done for holding your Best Presented Estates competition. Congratulations to Moyne Road Estate! Well done to Ryan’s Cleaning for sponsoring this. Well done on getting your lovely new Thurles name signs. The adjudicator really likes the Durlas Eile motto. These are bright and very positive.

The adjudicator cycled for the duration of the visit. It must be said that the town didn’t feel very bicycle-friendly and some of the roads and streets weren’t enjoyable. However, the path along the river was beautiful – wow. Your adjudicator spent so much time just spinning the length of this. Great stuff seen in Durlas Eile an bhlian seo. Great that you’re back in the competition and with such significant improvements to show for it! Well done to all involved and keep it up. Many thanks. “( Thurles Adjudicators Report 2023 ) 

We are always looking for new volunteers to help with our projects. We would be delighted to hear from anybody who would like to get involved with our group. We can be contacted on 0894487657 or by contacting The Refresh Thurles Tidy Towns Facebook Page.

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