We take care of your history to enable your future developments
Practising since 1988. Fully State Licensed Archaeologist. Archaeological management and mitigations of all facets of archaeological requirements.
Client Base: From individuals with one-off houses and extensions, community-based groups, commercial companies, local authorities, architects, engineers, National Museum of Ireland, planning consultants, building contractors, to multinational engineering companies.
Project Sizes: From small house extension projects to large-scale, roads, harbour, maritime, industrial estates, utilities (electricity, fibre-optic, water, drainage, etc) to development of heritage parks.
Project Types: Consultancy; Pre-planning / Pre-construction Archaeological and Built Heritage Impact Assessments; Pre-construction Archaeological Test Excavations; Construction-led Archaeological Monitoring; Restoration Projects; Archaeological Resolutions through protection and/or excavation; Experimental Boat Archaeology; Metal Detecting; Report Production.
Website www.gregoryarchaeology.com
Mobile 086 4096899
Email niall@gregoryarchaeology.com
Cork Riverview, The Village, Glaunthaune, Cork
Dublin 62 Knocknashee, Goatstown, Dublin 14
Tipperary Dunburbeg, Clonmel Road, Cashel, Co. Tipperary
Wexford 6 Skuna Bay, Donaghmore, Ballygarrett, Co. Wexford
Niall Gregory