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Durlas �g GAA

Founded in 1979, D�rlas �g is a juvenile hurling and football club catering for boys from U7 to U17. Our grounds are located on the Abbey Road, Thurles, Co. Tipperary E41VX84. From time to time in the years prior to 1978 juvenile clubs flourished in the parish of Thurles. Thurles Crokes back in the sixties won a county Under 16� football championship; Thurles Sarsfields also won juvenile honours, and Rahealty brought county honours to the �Cradle Town�. The arrival to Scoil Ailbhe in the mid 1970�s of Brother Connie Higgins, a Corkman with a tremendous love for the games was also to play a major role in the revival of Gaelic games at juvenile level in Thurles.

After much behind the scenes activity in late 1978 and early 1979, a meeting was held in Hayes Hotel on 2nd February 1979 with a view to forming a juvenile hurling and football club for the town. After it was formally proposed by Brother Connie Higgins and seconded by Michael Murphy that the club be formed, the officers and committee were elected. The club was to be called Durlas �g and the club colours would be red and white. Three juveniles namely, John and Pat Dorney and Peter Mullen attended this first meeting. More information and photographs from our club are available on the Club website.

If you wish to contact D�rlas �g, please do so through the Club Secretary, Brian Burke on 087-9126756.

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