We are so excited to announce the winner for our Together for Thurles competition and the winner of our donation of €200.

and the winner is...
thurles crokes athletic club!
Thurles Crokes Athletic Club offers a variety of athletic activities, including track and field, road running, cross country, and race walking.
We are so proud that this organisation is a part of our community and would like to extend our thanks for all that you do.
highlighting our runners up
Thank you to all of our entrants and to all who voted. The below clubs/organisations are in no particular order.
terms & conditions
Open to all not-for-profit clubs, groups, charities, and organisations operating in Thurles. Only groups listed in the website directory are eligible to participate in the competition.
*We reserve the right to verify the eligibility of entrants.
View the Heart of Thurles page to review the current directory in full or navigate to the end of this page to search. If your group is already listed, you are automatically entered into the competition. If your group is not listed, submit your organisation’s details here.
Submissions for the directory must be made by 27th September 2024 to qualify for the competition. No late entries will be considered after the submission deadline.
Once the deadline for submissions is reached, a public voting poll/form will be available on the website. All eligible organisations that submitted their listings will be added to the voting poll.
The public will have the opportunity to vote for the winner. Groups are encouraged to share the competition and promote their entry to increase their chances of receiving votes.
The organisation that receives the highest number of votes will win a €200 donation to be used to further the work of the winning organisation within the community. Voting will close at 4th October 2024 and the winner will be announced shortly after.