together for thurles

We are excited to announce the Together for Thurles competition, a fantastic opportunity for local groups to showcase their contribution to the heart of Thurles and stand a chance to win a donation of €200 from


Thurles is more than just a place on the map; it’s a close-knit community built on shared values, compassion, and the unbreakable spirit of its people.

Every day, local groups, clubs, charities, and organisations dedicate themselves to improving our town—lifting each other up, offering support, and creating a brighter future for everyone.

Now, it’s our chance to give back.

who can enter*

Open to all not-for-profit clubs, groups, charities, and organisations operating in Thurles. Only groups listed in the website directory are eligible to participate in the competition.

how to enter

View the Heart of Thurles page to review the current directory. If your group is already listed, you are automatically entered into the competition. If your group is not listed, submit your organisation’s details here.

deadline for entry

Submissions for the directory must be made by 27th September 2024 to qualify for the competition. No late entries will be considered after the submission deadline.

voting process

Once the deadline for submissions is reached, a public voting poll/form will be available on the website. All eligible organisations that submitted their listings will be added to the voting poll.

The public will have the opportunity to vote for the winner. Groups are encouraged to share the competition and promote their entry to increase their chances of receiving votes.

winner and prize

The organisation that receives the highest number of votes will win a €200 donation to be used to further the work of the winning organisation within the community. Voting will close on 4th October 2024 and the winner will be announced shortly after.

*We reserve the right to verify the eligibility of entrants.

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